So we’ve had a little shake up for 2024!
Previously our staff were rewarded on a weekly basis with our star of the week scheme, but we've decided to make some changes this year and are pleased to be introducing our all new ‘Employee of the Month’ award
Every month all HP staff members will potentially be able to receive a £100 bonus for hard work and positive feedback.
So here’s where I need you, our customers, help:-
Please can we ask you to send your feedback regarding HP Cleaning and Support employees.
Do you have an example where they gone that extra mile?
Did they make your day or just make you smile this month?
Can you help illustrate why they are such a great cleaner and/or support worker?
This will go a great a way in helping make the difficult decision each month as to who’s going to take the monthly title.
So don’t be shy, I'd love to hear your thoughts and nominations for Employee of the Month. Please drop me a line today by emailing, calling/texting me or sending a DM on Facebook. Thank you
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