Heidi Pattison of HP Cleaning and Support is passionate about raising money for the CHSF as she explains. ·
"After my son was born I struggled to return to my ‘employed’ role. I decided life was too short and it was time for a new challenge. I started HP Cleaning & Support - housekeeping for busy families and specialising in being dementia friendly."
"As the business grew I decided it was time to give back to the charity that had supported my family through so much. We’ve had a long journey - from my daughters heart surgery at 6 days old to the loss of my son ‘Ted’ at 6 days old. Then all the care and support that was given to me when I was pregnant with ‘Sonny’."
"For every new regular customer that signs up to our cleaning/housekeeping package we donate 10% of their first payment to CHSF. We housekeep for lots of busy professionals and have become well known for all our charity work. We are constantly fundraising for different charities but my is always with CHSF."
Thanks to this fundraising Heidi was recently able to pass on a cheque for £600 to this worthwhile charity thanks to the hard work of her team and the generosity of HP's clients. And they hope to raise more in the future!
Our chosen charity